Can You Help New Residents Move Into Athene?

Imagine Housing LogoAt the KIN Meeting in May, we learned that Imagine Housing is planning now for the grand opening of Athene, the new affordable senior housing project in Totem Lake. They expect to open at the end of November and be filled by the end of December. There will be 91 units, 20 of which are reserved for seniors who had been homeless.

Imagine Housing will be looking for in-kind donations such as welcome baskets (household items and gift cards), snacks during move-in time, kitchen equipment, and community meals at Athene. They will also have a Christmas gift program for new residents, which will need to ramp up soon after opening. And since many of their new residents will have been previously homeless, they will be looking for donations of gently-used furniture to help people get started in their new homes.

Individuals and congregations who are interested in helping can contact Amanda Sherry at KIN will also be working on coordinated efforts!


How You Can Serve in Your Community

JustServe LogoHave you ever wanted to volunteer but were not sure where to get started?  At you can find out about numerous ways to serve your community. matches volunteers with organizations who need them.  They notify you of opportunities that match your interests.  You show up to help when and where you wish and fits into your busy schedule.  This is a service provided try The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to foster relationships in the community to get needs met.  Visit them today!
